Friday, November 03, 2006

sanguine again

i just got home. i watched Marie Antoinette at Greenbelt 3 today. having spent the afternoon alone, i was able to reflect a bit.
alone? i say, why not? we were borne into this world alone (most of us). what's so wrong about having "me" time? it's great to just be with yourself. that's when you discover who you really are. you're FREE!!! i mean, i was literally all alone in the L row of Cinema 2 but i felt great! even if i was semi-surrounded by families and couples i felt like i was the one who had the best time. sure, we all could use a bit of company. after all, no man should spend his years alone, cooped up in a weirdo's lair but sometimes company strangles and squishes bits of who we are and we all need to take a break from that. i mean, you can't separate parts of yourself so when you think you're only compromising a bit of yourself, you're actually losing the essence of who you are.
talk to strangers? sure! why can't we greet other people just because we're not related to them or have no interest in them? this tall Spanish guy greeted me with "saan ka pupunta?" as i was happening to walk beside him on my way to the cinemas. we had a short conversation while walking until i finally realized that i was supposed to catch a movie. never miss out on an opportunity to make acquaintances. you never know if they could turn into great friendships. and forget that people might think you're some psycho or that you're flirting with them if you smile and lock eyes as you pass by. i don't know about you but sincere smiles are one of my favorite pick me-uppers.
laugh! who cares if you look ward 7 crazy? as long as you don't seem murderous, ok then!
sleep on a stranger's shoulder (or let them do that to you). i do this all the time. unintentionally, of course. if someone needs to rest and my shoulder can help, then by all means, sleep! just don't drool. why do we need to actually know people to help them in things that don't involve morality? it may not seem as important as returning a wallet or helping out a lost child but it sure does count. my head was bobbing unto some lady's shoulder in the MRT a while ago and i felt her inch away from me. right then, i was turned off. looks can be deceiving. i remember an old woman on the jeep who lent me her shoulder when she noticed that i was whacking my brains on the sides of the jeepney. it's amazing how strangers can be so kind.
make a plan. sure, we all love a spontaneous chick. but some people just need a little more guidance. think God randomly decides what's gonna happen everyday? think again. haha. i have just made a plan, complete with an objective tree. i guess all the event in my life, the movies, everything and everyone have led to this whatchamacalit/map thing. i can't show you though, or else you really will think i'm neurotic. haha.


Anonymous said...

i watched the darn movie on november 1. hated it. it's an art flick, so not very informative, if i say so myself. my cousin knows a lot about the story (she's a historian), while i found myself asking a LOT of questions. like: who is she? what's happening? what are they doing? why is it boring? why does it take a lot of time to show someone DRESSING UP or EATING? it's not as if i want to know whaat they eat. i just want to get on with the story please.. and the ending SUCKS. watch it, insomniacs! i truly cannot appreciate art flicks, even kirsten dunst's ass is not a good enough incentive for me to watch it. maybe if i was a guy, id reconsider. on the other hand.. the movie "the prestige" was great! watch it on friday... bravo!

coppergirl said...

i loved the movie! art flicks yippee! hahaha. no, it wasn't really meant to tell much history though. yeah, i want to watch that to. and watch out for more movies! it's cinemanila til november 15!

ThinGirlWithGlasses said...

hey kat!

loved your entry... i was reflecting on it..and you were right. you have a freakin great point! how id love to have some stranger whom i could depend on at the lrt/mrt when im sooo sleepy...

also, i've tried watching a movie too...alone. it felt wierd at first but then it really does feel "freeier" to watch movies alone.. it's also gud "release tension" time especially when i'm mad at people..

toodles! :D
