Saturday, July 12, 2008

unearthing notes

september 8, 2006
*what follows is a recording of a conversation with a good friend

K: i'm confused. "you know" eyes
i don't want to be HR anymore.
i don't hurts when you are but others aren't

N: Jesus is HR. i'm sure He loves you more than anyone would. ever.

K: I know. but being HR, He loves us even if we don't show we love Him back...apply to real life situation please. :) but He still sticks with us even if we hurt Him ---> HR!

N: Yup. No one else is more HR than He who loved enough to die for His friends. However, that kind of HRness, you can't expect from a person.

K: but i'm HR.

N: That may be, but His kind of HRness is perfect. to be able to experience the best kind of romance, you need to experience true love from Him first. a wise person said, "you can't give what you don't have!"
so, the love you should be looking for first is the true, perfect, HR to the max love from HIM? :p

K: tru. but if you love someone, shouldn't you try to be as HR as Him?

N: There is a time for everything. first thing's first! di ba, sa priorities mo, God first? i believe that before you love someone, you need to receive love from Him. if not, it will become a stale, half-cooked kind of love. really.

K: owkie.


K: so...what are you saying?

N: i'm saying you need to be Jesus' girlfriend before anyone else's. you need a relationship with Him to put right you other relationships.

K: owkie. just clarifying.


i just chanced upon these notes on my palm and it made me laugh and feel nostalgic at the same time. these days, my friends link me to a few people and i tell myself that i'm not ready; that i'm trying to not like anyone in the romantic sense. i guess i'm afraid of the idea of a mismatch or a NOT happily ever after story.

i know now that there will be that perfect moment in God's time for all this. for now, i'm just trying to love Him first, before anything or anyone else :)

oh yeah. in case the deficient use of the term in the conversation was not enough to help you understand its meaning, HR stands for hopeless romantic.

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