having nothing to do at work today (for the nth day in a row, mind you), i spent a good part of it just aimlessly looking at the articles on Yahoo, as well as reading my gazillion emails, most of which are newsletters from various style sites. i chanced upon several articles on Elle about short hairstyles. naturally, this interested me, especially since i've been sporting the pixie for 2 months now.

the article that caught my attention the most was the last, probably because the author dropped bits of statistics and historical information while discussing how your hairstyle is affecting your career--nothing like entertainment and education rolled into one happy, stylish package! i especially enjoyed the part where she discussed what the side part tells about a person. apparently, a left side part is linked to left-brained activities (logic, problem-solving), while having a right side part drew unconscious attention to activities controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain (artistic skills, non-linear thinking). only 3 of the past American Presidents had a right side part, while “The best writers, eggheads, and artists tend to part their hair on the right”.
just before i started typing this on my desktop, my hair was parted on the left side. i've been styling it like that since i got my short haircut because that's what gives me the full bangs ala Carey Mulligan or Michelle Williams. see, my hairdresser, the lovely old woman, didn't quite get the cut that i wanted so i tried to figure out a low-cost remedy, hence, a switching of side parts. curiously enough, however, and it is only upon reading the said article that i found this bit curious, smy hairdresser pointed out to me that my puyo was located at the right side of my forehead, which was why she had to go with my natural RIGHT side part.
it probably doesn't mean much to you, dear reader (if there is indeed someone reading this blog), but this is yet another tiny and weird affirmation of my calling. i have a natural right side part! never mind that i'm not left-handed though. what i'm trying to say is, THIS is really what i'm supposed to be doing: i feel it in my bones, in my skin, in my heart, in my very being. i know it from what i've learned about God, and i feel it when i converse with Him. and now, my side part has confirmed it. hahahahaha.
1 comment:
hahaha. interesting! i have a right side part too! :p
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