it is midnight and i am waiting for my dad to pick me up at Gateway. just finished yet another rehearsal for Saturday's Pintigan workshop recital. i think i've been so preoccupied and stressed with this whole dream thing that it is entirely possible and probable that i've lost sight of my real mission in life. no, it isn't to act, be on stage or at the center of everyone's attention. it's not to become admired by the public nor to earn a ridiculously huge amount of money that can be used to supplement the many needs of my anemic wardrobe and personal desk at home.
why am i doing this?
i want to tell stories. and not just to the people i know, but to the people who need to hear them. i want to write. i want to inhabit and portray all the exquisite human beings out there. i want to dance. i want to sing. i want to create films and art and great literature. anything!!! i just want to reach out to Your people, to my brothers and sisters. i want to share Your love and message of salvation. that is why i am doing this.
but to achieve that, i need to study and keep learning and practicing, as i am trying to do so now. yesterday, a cry of desperation escaped from my throat, because there were so many criticisms and i felt slightly as if i weren't good enough for this, that i didn't have what it takes and had better figure out a different way to achieve my goal. the day before, i somehow internally blamed my parents for my extreme self-consciousness and low self-esteem and, though there may be a point to the argument, i know better now. i know that it is entirely up to me to take the steps to address this problem. i need to truly believe that God's sufficiency allows me to be self-sufficient as well. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." if i don't, then the blame for continuing to reside in the shadow will rest wholly on me.
You are what enables me to do anything and everything. and it is also for You that i want to do these things.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
midnight at Krispy Kreme
sanguine aim,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
wait a sec!
i know, i know. a complete lack of significant posts the past weeks. i'm sorry! i'm telling you, i have tons to share. i've written 'em all down on my diary--i just haven't had the chance to type them yet. boohoo. it's just that i've been so preoccupied lately, and admittedly, with things that aren't all good. but this week, i'm gonna be up to my neck with all the practices for my workshop recital so no can do. so, if anyone bothers to read this blog, please don't go away! haha.
Monday, July 26, 2010
hello God
can you hear me? i really miss you. i wish i could just feel again the magnitude of your love, feel in my very bones the truth that it alone is all i need. because at this moment, it is but my faith that keeps me from letting go; my emotions are trying to deceive me into thinking otherwise. i am lonely. or alone. i don't know the difference anymore. it is as if sorrow is seeping into the spaces in my body where blood and fluid should be. i sometimes feel like giving up. i am in the blackest of tunnels and it feels like there is no end in sight. i am almost losing hope that i shall ever get a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel, if ever there is one at all.
my family is messed up but none of s either know how to fix things or is willing to go through hell for trying. i am starting to doubt if the career i'd like to pursue, the career i think you want for me, is really what i should be working for, if only because i'm not showing much progress nor potential at the moment. and i still see no prospect of meeting someone i can spend my life with. to make things worse, i am unable to share your word and carry out my daily mission effectively.
i feel like i have made a garbage dump of things, somehow. and i don't know if i can clean it up or, indeed, if anyone can. can You? would You please?
my family is messed up but none of s either know how to fix things or is willing to go through hell for trying. i am starting to doubt if the career i'd like to pursue, the career i think you want for me, is really what i should be working for, if only because i'm not showing much progress nor potential at the moment. and i still see no prospect of meeting someone i can spend my life with. to make things worse, i am unable to share your word and carry out my daily mission effectively.
i feel like i have made a garbage dump of things, somehow. and i don't know if i can clean it up or, indeed, if anyone can. can You? would You please?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
i had a great time at the Fresh party last night. i really enjoyed seeing all the friends i made in YFC Campus, especially since i hadn't gone to any of the meetings and other events in a long time. however, it did get me thinking that perhaps i was getting too old for this. not for God, of course not. not for sharing His word. not for forming deep relationships with other people. just for doing so in this medium, i guess. the party, the music, the dancing, the prizes, the grandness of it all.i don't know why but it almost seemed impersonal. or perhaps that was just me. maybe that was further emphasized by the fact that i hardly knew anyone there anymore. working in YFC requires really getting to know and even being intimate with so many people. i enjoy that but i've never been the best at it. sometimes i feel i do them an injustice by being the way i am--i forget names easily and take some time before i can really warm up to others. there's the rare person whom i immediately form a connection with, but sometimes, i just have difficulty getting it going.
i love You, Lord, You know that. and there is absolutely nothing i love more than doing my best to obey Your will and share Your love with other people. right now, i'm just confused with how best to do that. i hope You can help me figure it out.
Friday, July 09, 2010
phew!! (finally, a more serious post)
the last three weeks has just been an incredible whirlwind of events and emotions--i'm still reeling from it all, albeit in a good way. i'm so happy! i don't quite know where to start because there is just so much that has happened. all i know is, i'm so grateful to You, Lord. i know that regardless of whether incredible things are happening in my life or not, i should be thankful--and i am. i have You. i have more than anything i could possibly need. i have Your love and the love of the people around me.
these days i feel as if You're especially encouraging me. i hope my instinct is right. there are days when i am really tired, and there are plenty of awkward and difficult moments these past weeks as well. but i like to think that i did what i could to make You proud of me, and so i can somehow be of service to You, however minutely or indirectly. i feel that it would be a disservice to not maximize every ounce of what You have given me to use for the greater good. enough isn't enough anymore. i have to exhaust myself for You. and that is what i want to do and am trying to do. i know You'll always be with me, You'll always guide me and drive me to do what is right. and i hope that i may always have Your grace and Spirit to enable me to obey your wise words at all times as well.
this is my inspiration these last few weeks:
"With gracious uncertainty, we can be confident in our expectations, knowing our hope in the Lord will not disappoint." --Romans 5:5
these days i feel as if You're especially encouraging me. i hope my instinct is right. there are days when i am really tired, and there are plenty of awkward and difficult moments these past weeks as well. but i like to think that i did what i could to make You proud of me, and so i can somehow be of service to You, however minutely or indirectly. i feel that it would be a disservice to not maximize every ounce of what You have given me to use for the greater good. enough isn't enough anymore. i have to exhaust myself for You. and that is what i want to do and am trying to do. i know You'll always be with me, You'll always guide me and drive me to do what is right. and i hope that i may always have Your grace and Spirit to enable me to obey your wise words at all times as well.
this is my inspiration these last few weeks:
"With gracious uncertainty, we can be confident in our expectations, knowing our hope in the Lord will not disappoint." --Romans 5:5
Thursday, July 01, 2010
you're ruining me
yesterday, i was blissful, hopeful. today, i'm ruined--my heart is broken before anything even started. ok, it's an overreaction but you know that feeling when you finally decide on buying this super awesome but expensive piece of whatever only to find out it isn't available anymore? well, it's sort of like that.
see, i developed a crush last tuesday--a real crush on a real person who actually knows i exist. ahem, johnny depp. it's the first time this has happened in a looooooong time. but i just found out now that he's taken. i guess i suspected it but hoped for the best nonetheless. but i shouldn't have. a guy like that, surely a girl would've recognized him for what he's worth.
i don't know what to do, Lord. this happens just when i'm coming to the realization that i need to be more open, take risks, not be so frightened about getting my heart broken and having to share who i really am with someone. i guess i can only hope and pray, and just try to be who you want me to be, regardless of my relationship status. but i do pray, with all the fervor i can muster, that if and when you do bring that person into my life, i would love him as much as a woman could ever love a man.
see, i developed a crush last tuesday--a real crush on a real person who actually knows i exist. ahem, johnny depp. it's the first time this has happened in a looooooong time. but i just found out now that he's taken. i guess i suspected it but hoped for the best nonetheless. but i shouldn't have. a guy like that, surely a girl would've recognized him for what he's worth.
i don't know what to do, Lord. this happens just when i'm coming to the realization that i need to be more open, take risks, not be so frightened about getting my heart broken and having to share who i really am with someone. i guess i can only hope and pray, and just try to be who you want me to be, regardless of my relationship status. but i do pray, with all the fervor i can muster, that if and when you do bring that person into my life, i would love him as much as a woman could ever love a man.
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